Are you looking to seriously transform your physique this year without feeling overwhelmed using my Peak Physique System?

No more paralysis by analysis, refine your approach and take

your physique from good to GREAT!

Peak Physiques Coaching

Peak Physiques - Premium Online Coaching


Peak Physiques - Premium Online Coaching (Experience)
  • 8 years of professional personal training experience

  • 12 years of personal experience

  • Fast track your results by relying on my experience from years of trial and error


Peak Physiques - Premium Online Coaching (Science)
  • Cutting edge training and nutrition science for physique enhancement

  • Achieve predictable and efficient results

  • Simplified for easy use


Peak Physiques - Premium Online Coaching (Individual)
  • Protocols specific to your needs, goals and timeframe

  • Detailed consultation and onboarding process

  • No more cookie cutter programs designed for the masses


Peak Physiques - Premium Online Coaching (Support)
  • Access to my client-only inbox for unlimited questions and follow up

  • Your program updated weekly based on your inputs

  • Schedued check-in system to keep you on track

Peak Physiques

Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Front (Tyler Comeau)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Side (Tyler Comeau)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Rear (Tyler Comeau)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Front (Bradley Milton)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Side (Bradley Milton)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Rear (Bradley Milton)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Front (Katelyn Gateman)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Side (Katelyn Gateman)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Rear (Katelyn Gateman)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Front (Ryan White)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Side (Ryan White)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Rear (Ryan White)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Front (Travis Van Meer)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Side (Travis Van Meer)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Rear (Travis Van Meer)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Front (Cornelius Karamat)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Side (Cornelius Karamat)
Peak Physiques - Client Transformation Rear (Cornelius Karamat)

Peak Physique Coaching System

Training System

Feeling overwhelmed by program design?

Peak Physiques - Training System
  • Know exactly what training phase you are in and the future trajectory of your program

  • Detailed metrics for tracking progress over the microcycle, mesocycle and block timeframe

  • Science-backed exercise progression schemes to optimize physique enhancement

Weekly Reporting System

Don't have a method of measuring progress?

Peak Physiques - Weekly Reporting System
  • Track and manipulate the optimal nutrition and lifestyle variables needed for physique enhancement

  • Measure your physique progression using objective progress photos and body part measurements

  • Discover potential areas of opportunity required for continued physique enhancement

Muscle Gain and Fat Loss System

Unsure of the optimal rate of bodyweight change?

Peak Physiques - Muscle Gain & Fat Loss System
  • Optimize your muscle gain and fat loss phases by ensuring body weight changes at the desired rate

  • Understand if you're on track to reaching your goal body weight by the predetermined time frame

  • Gain access to your predicted body weight and changes in body composition

Quality Foods Meal Matrix System

Feeling overwhelmed with meal creation?

Peak Physiques - Quality Foods Meal Matrix System
  • Obtain hundreds of meal combinations to hit your prescribed macronutrient and caloric targets

  • Create your own custom template with a list of approved foods for physique enhancement

  • Understand which food items fit your macronutrient profile (protein, carbohydrate and fat)

Meal Plan System

Tired of tracking calories?

Peak Physiques - Meal Plan System
  • Obtain a customized meal plan catered to your macronutrient and caloric requirements

  • Enhance training performance and recovery by following optimal meal-timing strategies

  • No calorie tracking required (follow the meal plan and hit your nutrition targets on autopilot)

Check-In System

Not sure how to update your plan?

Peak Physiques - Check-In System
  • Your program is updated weekly by your coach based on your input

  • In-depth video review of your physique progress bi-weekly

  • Troubleshoot areas of opportunity with your coach for continued physique enhancement

🚀Behind The Scenes Look At Peak Physiques Coaching🚀

Watch this video as Brodie explains how he takes your physique from good to GREAT

💥Receive Six Additional Bonuses💥

When you sign up for Premium Online Coaching

Peak Physiques - Premium Online Coaching (Bonuses)

⬇️Bonuses Explained⬇️

Peak Physiques - Brodie Giesbrecht

Hey, I'm Brodie Giesbrecht

BSc. (Hons.) Sport & Exercise Science

Physique Transformation Coach

I'm a father, recreational bodybuilder and academic who helps experienced trainees take their physique from good to GREAT using scientific principles and my practical and professional experience.

My Wonderful Clients

Tyler Comeau

23.5 lbs Lost

Peak Physiques - Client Review (Tyler Comeau)

Bradley Milton

37.3 lbs Lost

Peak Physiques - Client Review (Bradley Milton)

Katelyn Gateman

Body Recomposition

Peak Physiques - Client Review (Katelyn Gateman)

Ryan White

28.7 lbs Lost

Peak Physiques - Client Review (Ryan White)

Travis Van Meer

15.2 lbs Lost

Peak Physiques - Client Review (Travis Van Meer)

James Korvemaker

20.3 lbs Lost

Peak Physiques - Client Review (James Korvemaker)

Peak Physiques Coaching Process

Step 1

  • Schedule and complete your FREE consult

Step 2

  • If it's a great fit, sign up!

Step 3

  • Brodie begins creating your indiviualized training and nutrition protocol

Step 4

  • Receive your program 48 hours after signing up with detailed video and written onboarding instruction

Step 5

  • Schedule your Week Zero Onboarding Call with Brodie to walk you through your program in detail

Step 6

  • Implement your program and start taking your physique from good to GREAT!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the consultation take place?

Your consultation with Brodie is a 30-minute video call and takes place over Google Meets. The details will be sent over to your email address after booking in.

Who is your coaching for?

Experienced trainees with at least a couple of years experience in the gym who are serious about taking their physique from good to GREAT.

How long will it take me to see results?

This will depend greatly on your specific situation and goals. Results take time, and there are no quick fixes. This is why I would like you to proactively commit to spending at least three months working with me toward measurable progress. I want to ensure you have a positive experience, and ensuring we have enough time together is the first step.

Do I need to prepare anything for the consultation?

Nope! It's just a conversation to learn more about you and ensure we would be a good fit to work together. Please come ready to speak with me about your needs, goals and timeframe.

How would I access my program?

Google Sheets is the primary software used to make inputs into your training and nutrition program.

How do we communicate with each other?

Your primary communication with me will be through email. I have specific coaching office hours for my client-only inbox and will always respond within 24 hours.

Additionally, you will have a consistently scheduled check-in day with me. After the submission of your check-in report, we analyze your data and personal progress, from which I update your program and help troubleshoot any areas of opportunity.

Thereafter, your plan will be updated and emailed back to you with detailed video instructions of action steps to implement between check-ins. Further communication can occur through email if you have follow-up questions or need clarification on the processes.

Without fail, I'm there to coach you and provide a high level of support. I can speak to this in more detail during your consultation!